
Cervical pain is type of pain occurs due to changes in neck joint and surrounding region. The main cause of these change is natural wear and tear of disk, cartilage, ligaments and bones of the neck due to age. It is also known as “Cervical Osteoarthritis” or “Neck arthritis” in medical term. This condition is most common in the mid aged and elderly people. About more that 85% people of age above sixty are suffering with cervical pain. Apart from aging, few other factors are also responsible for cervical pain but those are rare. There are various stages of severity of cervical pain can be observed and each stage has suitable way of treatment according to severity. Cervical pain exercises, home remedies and medications are the options that are commonly considered.

Causes of Cervical pain

Here are some of the top causes for cervical pain.

1. Age

Aging is a most common cause of cervical pain. Due to aging factors disc of cervical spine tends to break down, starts to lose water content inside and get shrink which further develop stiffness in neck. Such a stiffness and wear and tear of bones and cartilage are responsible for cervical pain.

The changes due to age includes

1. Degenerated disk

A thick and padded structured disc present between spinal bones works to absorb the shock due to various activities like pushing, lifting etc. After the age of 40 the liquid inside the disc starts to dry out and it causes rubbing of bones. Such a rubbing is responsible for cervical pain.

2. Herniated discs

Aging also cause the tear and part of spinal disk and such a condition is called as herniated discs. The developed cracks are responsible for leakage of internal cushioning material which pressurize the spinal nerve and nearby tissue. This pressure causes sense of numbness and pain in neck area.

3. Bone spurs

After degeneration of disk, to provide the necessary strength to spine, body starts to grow new bone. This growth of new bone is called as “bone spur”. These bones can create a problem for the nerve and spinal cord to pass through and person may experience cervical pain.

4. Ligament stiffness

Ligament is type of cord which connects spinal bones to each other. It tends to become stiffer with the age and this can create problem for movements of neck due to less flexibility.

2. Injury

Any previous injury to the neck or spinal region can also be a reason of cervical pain.

3. Other factors

There are few other factors which are responsible for developing cervical pain. These are not common factors but should be considered.

1. Occupation

Few occupations need more involvement of heavy physical work which may put some extra stress on neck. This stress can result in wear and tear which can further develop cervical pain. Apart from this Poor posture is also responsible for spinal change that can cause cervical pain.

2. Genetic factors

Though it is not certain but family history also plays an important role in developing cervical pain in the person.

3. Smoking

Smoking is also considered as a reason of increase in cervical pain. Signs and symptoms of cervical pain
It is common not observe any notable symptoms of cervical pain in person. The general symptom is pain in neck and surrounding region. Few other symptoms are as follow 1. Adverse neck stiffness and soreness. 2. Tingling, numbness and weakness in arms, shoulders, hands and legs areas. 3. Muscle spasms 4. Grinding or popping sound or sensation while turning neck 5. Headache which may start from back of the head or neck 6. Unable to turn the head or neck completely 7. Lack of coordination and facing difficulty to walk 8. Loss of control over bowel and bladder functioning 9. Loss of balance

  1. Adverse neck stiffness and soreness.
  2. Tingling, numbness and weakness in arms, shoulders, hands and legs areas.
  3. Muscle spasms
  4. Grinding or popping sound or sensation while turning neck
  5. Headache which may start from back of the head or neck
  6. Unable to turn the head or neck completely
  7. Lack of coordination and facing difficulty to walk
  8. Loss of control over bowel and bladder functioning
  9. Loss of balance

How to deal with it

1. Home remedies

If the conditions are mild it can be always managed with the help of some effective home remedies as mentioned below.

1. Heating pad or ice pack

Applying the heating pad or ice pack over affected area can give you instant relief from the pain. You can try this twice a day for at least 20 minutes

2. Exercises

Regular practice of cervical pain exercises under the guidance of experts can also prove effective in managing pain at considerable level.

3. Use of soft neck collar or brace

Use of soft neck collar or brace can control the movement of neck which can provide enough rest to avoid further damage to the spinal disc.

4. Physical therapy

Physical therapy is an effective technique which involves specific exercise to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the neck and surrounding region. This makes the spinal region strong and helps to deal with pain. Physical therapy sessions are generally scheduled for twice or thrice a week for six to eight weeks according to the severity of condition.

At “Be positive always natural healing organization” we take care of you by offering you proper assessment of cause and suitable treatments for it. Our team of experienced doctors and highly skilled staff is ready to assist you with effective therapies and treatments. Do not hesitate to contact us.

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