A migraine is a type medical condition which involves severe headache along with nausea, vomiting and irritability. The causes and symptoms of migraine vary from person to person but pain at the one side of the head is common. Generally this pain starts from forehead, either side of the head or around the eyes and lasts up to hours to a day. Migraine worsens with exposure to light, loud noise and strong smell. It can affect your daily life by making it difficult for you to deal with even normal activities.
Usually person starts to experience migraine at early age of between 10 – 30 years. It is considered as most common condition in women compared to men, as one of every five women experience it. A proper identification of causes and symptoms can help to reduce severity of migraine. Various medicines and treatments are available to minimize symptoms and to deal with further attacks.
Causes of migraine
A migraine is a result of change in the pattern of blood flow in a brain. A particular nerve in the blood vessels send pain signal to the brain which cause migraine. The professionals are still unknown about exact cause of migraine. Few common causes are as follow
1. Change in the level of body chemical
According to the few studies, migraine can be a result of change in the level of a body chemical called “Serotonin”. When level of serotonin decreases blood vessels starts to swell. This swelling further causes acute headache i. e migraine.
2. Hormonal changes
Most of the women experience symptoms of migraine during menstrual period, pregnancy and menopause. This happens due to the fluctuation in hormone in that particular period. Estrogen is a hormone responsible for menstruation and sudden drop in it can cause migraine in women. It badly triggers between the period of puberty and menopause as fluctuation in hormones keeps going during this period. Women of age group between 15-55 years are more likely to develop migraine compared to other. However hormonal changes do not trigger migraine in men.
3. Genetic factors
Heredity is one of the major contributing factors for migraine. About 50% of people suffering from migraine have family history of it. If your parents or close relative have migraine, then you are at high risk to develop it. It is found that around 80% of affected people have either their parents or close relatives with such condition.
4. Stressful lifestyle
When you are facing any stressful event or emotions like anxiety or worry brain release a chemical to deal with situation. This release of chemical is responsible for change in blood vessel which can leads to migraine.
5. Skipping meal
Skipping or delaying meal time also develop a symptoms of migraine in a person.
6. Specific food
Certain food items like additives, caffeinated drinks, food preservatives and tyramine in aged food are some of the things which trigger migraine.
7. Change in sleeping pattern
Any notable change in regular sleeping habit i.e no or excess sleep is also considered as important factor to cause migraine.
8. Certain medicines
Regular intake of medicines like pain killers causes blood vessel to swell and start to shows symptoms of migraine.
Signs and symptoms of migraine
The commonly observed symptom of migraine is intense headache. Few other symptoms include
1. Inbound pain on one or both sides of the head which goes worsen with time
2. Nausea or vomiting
3. Sensitivity to light, noise and strong smell
4. Dizziness and feeling of confusion
5. Felling excess sweating or cold
6. Tender scalp
7. Blurred vision
How to deal with Migraine
Though migraine is not completely curable severity of it can be minimized with the help of home remedies and medication. Here are some helpful ways to deal with the condition.
1. Home remedies
The home remedies like spending some time at quite place, rest, applying ice pack or cool compress, enough water intakes, caffeine can be some effective home remedies for migraine.
2. Yoga
Yoga is one of the effective remedies to deal with any medical condition. In case of migraine yoga helps to enhance blood circulation, minimize muscle tension and kill the anxiety occurs due to severe pain. Practicing yoga will definitely help to reduce intensity and frequency of the migraine
3. Acupressure
It is type of method in which a pressure is applied on particular points on the body with the help of fingers or hands. It proves beneficial in minimizing headache and other symptoms associated with it. “Be positive always natural healing organization” is a place where you can find perfect treatment for every medical condition you are facing. We help you to deal with critical situation in all natural way. If you are panic due to any underlying issue then consider to contact us now to book an appointment.